Top Reasons Why You Need to Desexualize Your Brain From Porn

There’s only one drug in this world that is easily accessible, free, and highly addictive. Can you guess what it is? I’m assuming you’re still scratching your head, so let me give you a hint. You need the internet to access it. Still doesn’t ring a bell? The short and sweet answer is pornography. Top Reasons Why You Need to Desexualize Your Brain
Pornography is everywhere nowadays. Even scarier is how easily you can find it, which isn’t good news for the younger generation. Even social media, which were at once harmless apps for sharing photos and messaging friends, has evolved into a sinister sex-ridden platform. The number of half-naked people on TikTok and Instagram overstimulates our brains, which is also why deleting social media is recommended.
Overcoming porn addiction isn't easy, but is 100% doable.
Our society, which at once was praising the opposite gender for who they are, has now become a society where we judge based on each other’s body parts. Back when there was less technology, everyone truly loved their spouse, but after social media grew popular, that’s when objectifying the opposite gender became the norm.
Desexualizing your brain involves reshaping it so that you prioritize other areas of your life. Sex is an essential part of life, but this doesn’t mean it should always be our number one priority. There’ll be a perfect time and place when that special person will walk into our lives. Instead of rushing towards it, we should let it naturally come to us.
Desexualizing our brains from all forms of sex and porn gives us focus to better ourself.
Here are reasons why you must desexualize your brain, especially in today’s oversexualized age:

1. Better focus

So many external stimuli nowadays prevent us from achieving a natural flow state. From the notifications on our phones to annoying siblings at home, maintaining focus can feel impossible. Even internal stimuli, in this case, an oversexualized mind, can become a distraction.
Jerlin JR from Medium wrote, “Find fulfillment in your work, just as you would in pleasurable activities. By reprogramming your brain to reward productivity, you can regain control over your focus.”
Desexualizing our brains from porn and sex allows us to be more focused on our work.
When we exterminate the amount of external and internal distractions, it makes it easier to enter a flow state where we can get more sh*t done. By eliminating these distractions, we can focus on what matters most. Sex is one of those thoughts that are constantly on our minds, though we might not realize it. However, what makes sex at the top of our minds more depends on how much we’re stimulating our brains.
If you’re on social media 24/7 and visiting porn sites frequently, there’s a good chance your brain is being overly stimulated. The best course of action would be to try and distance yourself from social media and pornography as soon as possible to prevent further mental health damage.

2. More time

Think about the amount of time you spend scrolling through social media and watching porn. When you times that number by how often you do it weekly, the number will indicate that you’re wasting a large chunk of time. Porn and social media consumption is by far one of the most significant waste of time because of how repeatedly we fall back into the cycle—we tell ourselves we will quit but then fail that commitment the next day.
Now, I want you to imagine how much time you would have if you eliminated porn and social media from your life. How much time would you have? What would you do with so much of that time?
Instead of using your valuable time sexualizing your brain, you should put that time towards things that matter in life. Use that time to work towards your goals, learn new skills, and better your health—all of which provide a better long-term benefit.

3. Improves your mental health

Like all addictions, they’re capable of causing incremental damage to our health over time. Drugs, drinking, smoking, and gambling are all serious addictions that aren’t always resolvable on your own. But the one addiction people tend to overlook is porn. At some point, someone told us watching porn and masturbation was healthy, but nobody told us about the consequences of prolonged exposure to porn.
Typically, our first exposure to porn occurred when we were young. As kids, our brains are still learning and expanding as we mature, making it difficult to differentiate between wrong and good. If you give a 5-year-old kid a chocolate bar, they’ll want another one because it tastes good without knowing the ugly unhealthiness that comes with it. The same principle applies to porn exposure at a young age.
The main consequence of watching porn is the catastrophic damage it causes to your mental health. Have you ever noticed how pleasurable you feel watching it but feeling downright miserable right after? The shame and guilt you feel multiplied by the frequency of watching porn is something to be aware of.
Consuming porn leads to poor mental health.
By quitting porn, you begin to desexualize your brain by distancing yourself away from sex and start prioritizing the things that matter in life. Ultimately, this improves your mental health in the long run because you remove an external stimulus that’s causing you to feel shameful about who you are.

4. Greater success in finding a long-term partner

One of the reasons why most relationships fail in today’s modern era is because of cheating. When a partner admits to infidelity, this reveals disloyalty and a lack of love within the relationship. From the cheater’s standpoint, their reason for cheating ranges from multiple causes, including money, possessions, or simply an opportunity.
When we have an over-sexualized mind, our chances of cheating on our partner skyrocket because of how it distracts us. Our hyper-sexualized mind makes us so focused on sexually chasing another person that we forget about our loving spouse at home. Additionally, it chains us to online sexual matters, which our partner may signal as a lack of interest.
By desexualizing your brain, you’ll have more success finding a long-term partner because you’re more attracted to who they are. Instead of chasing a partner for their physical features, you start chasing those you share the most chemistry with. You must keep this in mind because this is what makes a relationship last: true love towards one another.

5. You stop viewing them as objects

When we watch porn, especially frequently, it alters the way we view the opposite gender. The material we watch online creates a false sense of reality that indicates sex is more pleasurable when our partner has these specific physical features. As a result, this hijacks our thinking by creating an instinct to scrutinize every person we meet for their physical attributes instead of character.
When you stop viewing the opposite gender as an object, you can solidify a better relationship with them because you become more interested in their character. If we convert the way we think from immediately deciding if we should sleep with someone to ways we can know them better, this helps build a better relationship with them.

6. Increase in confidence

The best way to build confidence is by overcoming challenges and hardships because of how much you appreciate yourself after. In the face of an obstacle, self-doubt starts to plague our minds until we find an excuse not to face it. We allow complacency and low self-esteem to set in, preventing our confidence from growing.
On the other hand, when you overcome a challenge or achieve a goal, such as passing a test or finding a job, an incredible amount of joy and self-love begins flowing. Self-love should never go unnoticed; it’s something we appreciate ourselves for, which gives us more confidence to achieve more milestones.
Desexualizing your brain is a challenge in itself because of the years you’ve sexualized your brain. Starting from when you were young to the age you are now, desexualizing your brain isn’t a one-day miracle but instead requires consistency. This consistency pays off in the end because of how much you’ve disciplined yourself, rewarding you with confidence and the “I love who I am” feeling.
Additionally, you’ll feel more confident approaching those of the opposite sex because your focus is getting to know them and having a compelling conversation.

7. Willpower and discipline

By far, the significant benefit of desexualizing your brain is the willpower and discipline that you gain from it. We all have wants and cravings that are good but also bad for us. Smoking and drinking at the moment feels good, but as we continue this habit, that’s when our health begins deteriorating. Conversely, investing two hours to learn a new skill is boring, but you’ll be more educated in the end.
Quitting any addiction or establishing a new habit, such as exercising daily, requires an immense amount of discipline. There are days when 95% of your body wants you to relax and sleep in, while the remaining 5% wants you to get up and work. Having the discipline to work when you don’t want to is the ultimate key to success.
By quitting pornography and desexualizing your brain, you’ll further sharpen your sword of discipline, which is transferable to other endeavors. Waking up early in the morning and exercising, for example, becomes effortless because of the discipline you’ve gained from desexualizing your brain.
Need help overcoming your pornography addiction? Read here.
What do you think is responsible for our brains being overly sexualized in society today?

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