Daily Habits You Should Do to Become a Better You

When was the last time you did something productive?
Take a minute or so to retrace your steps and think back to when you did something that’ll benefit you in the future. Productivity is a broad topic, but by that, I mean something your future self will thank you for. Some examples are exercising, meeting someone for the first time, or working on homework.
We should practice good habits daily, as they'll compound over time.
If it took more than a minute to answer that question, chances are you haven’t been doing anything that will better yourself. Do not stress, however, because we’re all human, and sometimes we disregard how our actions impact ourselves and those around us.
We all have a burning desire to achieve our long-term goals, but these goals are only reachable in months or years. It’s not the destination that matters, but you’re habits that get you closer to that end goal.
Here are seven habits you should do every day to become a better version of yourself:

1. Exercise

Exercising is one of the most productive habits you can do for yourself. There are countless benefits to exercising, but the most prominent is the confidence you gain from watching your health transform for the better.
The first daily habit we should do is exercise because how much health benefits there are.
I recommend getting into weightlifting to build muscles because it transforms our body into the ripped anime characters you always wanted to be. Nevertheless, harvesting the benefits from exercise to become the best version of yourself requires consistency and discipline. You must be willing to work out for months and years.
Here’s a free first-day gym guide for you if you’re a beginner.

2. Drink more, more, and more water

There’s a reason why water is everywhere and so easily accessible: we need a lot of it. Water plays a critical role in maintaining our body’s natural temperature, removing waste, and providing the necessary nutrients to all of our bodies.
Drinking more water is a great daily habit because it replenishes our body of vital nutrients.
Drinking more water also means reducing the amount of soda, juice, coffee, and alcohol we consume frequently. More water helps the body burn fat, lose weight, and sharpen your facial structure.
We like to think we’re drinking enough water when we’re not. The best tip to start drinking more water is to carry a reusable water bottle everywhere, including the bus, your car, school, and by your bed. A water bottle constantly at arm’s reach will subconsciously remind us to drink more.

3. Meditate

Meditation is an underrated habit that not many people are aware of. The idea behind meditation is to sit in a quiet room, set a timer, and focus on your breath. It may seem ridiculous, but when was the last time your mind was silent and not thinking about complete nonsense?
Mayoclinic wrote, “During meditation, you focus on one thing. You get rid of the stream of thoughts that may be crowding your mind and causing stress.”
Meditation is a great daily habit to implement because it clears our mind, giving us control over our thoughts.
Meditation helps us quiet our minds, relieve stress, and become present, helping us become our best version because it reshapes our thinking. Critical thinking helps us make informed decisions that will benefit rather than later harm us. Of course, meditation takes months/years to master, but the more you practice, the more of an expert you become.
If you’re a complete beginner at meditation, I suggest watching videos on YouTube to help you get started or you can read here.

4. Read/Learn

There’s a famous saying that we’ve all heard before: knowledge is power. The more knowledge we have, the more of an expert we are, making us feel more powerful.
Reading and learning every day will give you the expertise to excel in whatever field you’re heading towards. Whether it’s business, investing, calligraphy, or Japanese, the more you learn, the better you become at it.
That means you can develop any skill only if you’re willing to practice and learn more about it every day. It’s like working out; the more you practice, the better you become.

5. Eat fruits and vegetables

We’re guilty of eating whatever is accessible in our reach with little to no ability to resist. We don’t realize our poor diet until it’s too late. We eat so much sugary candies, fast food, and chips, then wonder why we’re depressed with no energy.
Your diet determines how good you feel, which impacts how productive and motivated you are to work towards something better for yourself. Fruits and veggies improve our health and give us more nutrients and energy. Eating fruits and adding extra veggies to our meals is a great way to revitalize your diet.

6. Track your goals

If you’re reading this right now, there’s something I know about you. I know you have goals you want to achieve, and I’m proud of you. I’m glad that you wish to become a better you with the goals you’ve set for yourself. However, sometimes we go about our days forgetting our goals even existed in the first place.
The answer to that problem is to visit your goals every day. If you haven’t written down your goals yet, now is the best time to start. Every morning, take a minute to read over your goals so that it’s fresh in your mind and give you the fire to attack the day.
Tracking your goals by visiting them every day will keep you accountable so that you can grow an inch closer to these milestones.

7. Be a chatterbox

There are days when we wish to lock ourselves in our rooms and talk to nobody, but doing so frequently hinders the social aspect of our development. We’re all social creatures, so refusing to socialize is like purposely walking on glass. Communication is an undervalued skill that schools may have done a poor job of educating us about.
In the modern era we live in today, communication is vital to our success. It’s how we network, meet the love of our lives, start a business, and get our dream job. The COVID pandemic made virtual communication, such as texts and emails the new norm, causing many of us to fear social interactions.
Becoming an eloquent conversationalist takes practice, but the more we step out of our comfort zone and talk to at least two strangers daily, the more we grow. These small talks don’t have to be anything serious and can be a simple compliment or question.


Each one of us is a beautiful soul with the power to decisively shape our future. Our habits and daily actions are the key determinants of our success in this regard. By adopting and consistently practicing good habits, we can confidently create a promising future that we will ultimately be proud of.
Which of these habits stood out the most to you?

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