Truths About Life You Need to Accept in a World of Negativity

As a kid, I grew tired of my parents’ supervision and thought being an adult would make me happy. Fast forward to ten years later, and here I am: wishing to be a kid again and relive my happy childhood.
To better equip ourselves to the peril and treachery of life, we must accept the harsh truths about life.
Most of us can relate; we are unhappy where we are, so we justify our unhappiness by looking for moments in the future that will bring joy. We tell ourselves, “Once I graduate, I’ll be happy,” “Once I get that job, I’ll be happy,” or “Once I finally retire, I will be happy,” not knowing the perpetual pitfall we’re pulling ourselves into.
In this article, you’ll learn seven harsh truths that are hard to swallow, but the earlier you know them, the more competent you become in facing the jarring mystery of life. Like there is no sun without the moon, there is no optimism without pessimism.

1. You don’t always get what you want

We all want our dream job, dream car, dream home, or romantic partner to marry us, but it’s not always guaranteed. Think about it: If we live a life where we can get anything we want, what does that make us?
It’s the fact that we don’t always get what we want that delivers fulfillment to our lives because not having our wishes granted brings humility out of our character.
We are more likely to learn from mistakes, better adapt to adversity, and become more well-rounded when we don’t get what we want than when we do get what we want. A baby crying from not having a favorite toy or snack is good. Not only does it teach them that nothing in life is guaranteed, but it also teaches them respect, patience, and integrity because they learn to live without having their favorite toy or snack in hand.
Accepting the harsh truths about life will make us better prepared and equipped when navigating the uncertainty of life.

2. Life is just a rollercoaster that never ends

Understanding life’s most profound metaphor is essential to preparing for the unprecedented road that lies ahead.
In other words, while we won’t be happy forever, we won’t be miserable forever. Life moves in an up-and-down pattern where at one moment: it seems as if we have everything figured out, only to have that relief disappear afterward.
The highs and lows of life can be misleading as daunting and burdensome, but when analyzed at a deeper level, it reinforces our character development and adds value to our lives. Without enduring the hardship, there will never be a reward.
The most profound truths about life is that it simply is a rollercoaster of ups and downs.

3. People come and go

In Proverbs 22:24-25, Solomon writes, “Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn their ways and get yourself ensnared.”
The idea of avoiding people who do nothing but drag you down reinforces the image that the people in your lives: friends, coworkers, or schoolmates, won’t always be permanent figures in your lives.
Humans are creatures of change; we all adapt, grow, and evolve. This change we experience sometimes means we will have to leave close ones in the dust, or our close ones will end up leaving us.
Understanding the truths about life, such as that people come and go will be benevolent as we walk through life.

4. Life is short

Time is always ticking; when you sleep, eat, shower, and watch TV. Even the wealthiest billionaires in the world: Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffet, can’t buy more time.
Once we understand that life is short, our lives will move in a more fulfilling direction because we will reduce the time we waste as much as possible and let go of any regrets holding us back. Life is short, and we won’t be on Earth forever, so why take another person’s insult so seriously or waste our time spending it with impractical people?
Sanju Pradeep from said it best, “Life is short because it is meant to be lived to the fullest. We only have a limited amount of time on this Earth, so making the most of it is important.”

5. No one is going to help you

The most significant accomplishment we achieved when we were babies was learning how to walk on our own. Sure, our parents may have been there to help us, but in the end, we were the ones that fell, got back up, then fell again and got back up.
Even though it’s scary knowing there won’t always be a safety net to save us, achieving milestones with nobody but ourselves gives us more confidence and self-love in our identity. For one, it’s great knowing there was support along our journey. But it’s even greater knowing we faced adversity and overcame obstacles independently that helped us get to where we are now.
When the day arrives, the only person lying in our casket is ourselves, so it’s ideal to become comfortable living in isolation because the only person to support us 24/7 is ourselves.

6. Everyone is different

Everyone is different, yet unique in their ways, so why live a life trying to be like everyone else? Why leave Earth attempting to live the life of another person when you can leave Earth knowing you did everything in your favor?
When we focus our time and energy on pleasing others and living up to other’s expectations, we will never experience the greatness of our character. Everyone is writing their own story, so it’s better to have our unique history than to have one that plagiarizes another person.

7. Karma’s a b*#%h

Life is a game of decisions; every decision we make corresponds to the life we are living. You and I can decide to eat healthy food over unhealthy food. Every decision that we make carries a consequence that can be either good or bad.

“For every action (force) in nature, there is an equal and opposite reaction”

– Sir Issac Newton
Knowing our actions contain a good or bad consequence is essential for making healthier decisions that will prevent regretful mistakes from being made. If you commit murder, you’ll spend most of your life in prison. If you eat McDonald’s again for the third time this week, you’ll gain unwanted weight.
With every action, there is a reaction, so be mindful of the decisions you’re making, or else: the consequences will debilitate your life.
Life is beautiful and worth living. Here are five powerful reasons to not give up on life.

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