Improve Your Health With These Easy But Effective Tips

What is the one thing money can’t buy? I know all of you are probably scratching your heads thinking happiness is the only thing money can’t buy; however, if you were to buy your dream car, dream home, and dream vacation, would that make you happy, even if it’s only temporary?
The only thing money can’t buy is time. Time is one of our greatest assets because any wasted time is time we will never get back. You wish to become healthier but your busy schedule prevents you from having the time to do so.
There are many ways to improve your health, but they'll be most effective once you've implemented these practices consistenty.
Photo by Marcus Aurelius on
Of course, we’re getting older day by day. Responsibilities are inevitable, and they do interfere with our ability to make time for exercise.
Here are ten timeless and effortless ways you can improve your health.

1. Take the Stairs

Why take the elevator when you can burn a few extra calories and improve your cardio by taking the stairs? Although the elevator or escalator is more time efficient, taking the stairs is an easy way to increase your heart rate, which you can incorporate into your busy schedule. If your workplace requires you to go up and down floors, you’ll be getting a crazy workout while at work.
Additionally, stair walking improves lower body strength, strengthens muscles and joints, and keeps your heart forever happy!

2. Add Extra Veggies to Your Plate

Instead of a recipe asking for five broccoli florets, add ten. Instead of asking for one scoop of guacamole, ask for an extra. Instead of keeping your burger as it is, pile on extra tomatoes, lettuce, and onions.
Adding extra veggies can counterbalance unhealthy foods with more nutritional foods, such as burgers and pizzas. Plus, the difference in taste isn’t always noticeable; therefore, piling on veggies is a great way to receive extra vital nutrients from your diet.
Maintaining a healthy diet is a great way to improve your health.

3. Park Farther Away

Parking further away from the grocery store, gas station, or workplace is an easy way to get extra steps in. If you practice this consistently, you’ll be walking miles without even realizing it.
It’s a win-win situation because not only will you be improving your health by walking further distances, but you’ll also be the first one to escape the mob of traffic.
When you park further away, you force yourself to walk longer distances, which improves your health.

4. Avoid the Shortcut

There are no shortcuts in life, just like there are no shortcuts to improving your health. Instead of taking a shortcut to walk to your destination faster, how about skipping the shortcut and walking an extra feet of distance?
Skipping the shortcuts to force ourselves to walk a little further seems ridiculous and inefficient, but the small things that amass over time lead to greater rewards.

5. Invest in New Shades

If you haven’t already, now is the time to invest in blue light-blocking glasses. Simply putting on blue light glasses a few hours before bed increases melatonin production, leading to a better night of sleep. It’s a great and easy way to wind down before bed, fall asleep faster, receive the optimal amount of sleep, and wake up the next day full of energy.

6. Walk or Bike Instead

Walking or biking is the perfect and healthy alternative to driving if your destination is less than a few miles away. Driving can be a faster alternative, but walking or biking will reduce CO2 emissions, which planet Earth will thank you for abundantly. While heading to your destination, why not exercise and train your body to deliver the needed nutrients to your body in the process?
For more on why we should exercise, read here.
Moving our bodies more often, whether through walking or biking, is a great way to improve your health.

7. Carry a Mask

Even though the mask mandate is over, wearing a mask will prevent you from inhaling unwanted particles such as smog, dust, and wildfire smoke (especially if you live in California). These particles, if inhaled consistently, can lead to illnesses such as asthma, lung cancer, and strokes.
Just like eating an apple will keep the doctor away, wearing a mask will do the same.

8. Bring a Water Bottle Everywhere You Go

Always have a water bottle on you, and never forget to leave your home without it. Keeping a water bottle at an arm’s distance will subconsciously remind you to drink more water. We all struggle with drinking enough water, so if we always keep a water bottle nearby, we have no excuses to justify our lack of daily water consumption.
Drinking water comes with many health benefits such as weight loss, better digestion, and improved brain function.
Interestingly, Adda Bjarnadottir from Healthline found, “These results may be even more impressive when the water is cold. When you drink cold water, your body uses extra calories to warm the water up to body temperature.”

9. Stand Up

Sitting for long hours a day without standing up is as dangerous as smoking cigarettes. Prolonged sitting stresses the spine and contributes to severe illnesses, including diabetes, obesity, depression, and a poor heart. Sitting in an office chair is a staple at school, home, and even work, so we should remind ourselves to take periodic breaks to stand up, stretch, and relieve pressure from our spines.

10. Read Everything

There’s a reason reading is good for us, yet the majority of us rarely do it; it reduces stress, improves sleep, and reduces the likelihood of contracting serious diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Similar to how keeping the body improves health, keeping the brain moving is also crucial to our well-being. Reading everything as small as a stop sign to the instruction manual of your appliances is an effective way to keep your brain in constant motion.
For more healthy habits you can implement, read here.

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