We're here to fuel your success.

Our blog provides insights on health, wellness, and self-development to empower and encourage you to succeed in every area of life.

Our Articles Help You:

Increase Your Skillset

Hit Unprecedented Milestones

Improve Your Wellbeing

Strengthen Your Work Ethic

Areas of Expertise


Goal Setting

Learn how to create attainable goals and implement strategies to achieve them.


Physical Health

Reduce future health complications by taking steps to improve your physical health.


Mental Health

Take control of your mental health by learning how to manage stress, while boosting fulfillment


Skill Development

Develop skills to build up your character and qualities.



Become a better you by taking steps to transform into the best version of yourself.



Adopt a lifestyle to live a healthier, happier, and longer life.

What would you like to read about today?


Learn how to navigate through the treachery of life.


Learn the actionable steps you can take to start improving your mental health.


Learn the steps you can take today to start becoming the best version of yourself.


Gain tips and tricks on how to improve your physical health.

Recent Articles

Top Reasons Why Your Purpose is Important in Life
The Hidden Causes of Unhappiness: Why You Aren't Happy
Top Morning Routine Hacks You Need for Health and Productivity
Focus on Yourself: How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
Boy vs. Man: How to Know if You're Still a Boy
10 Advice Young Men Learn Too Late in Life

Our Mission

There’s only one person capable of change and that is you. Here at One Percent Closer, we strive to help you become the best version of yourself and excel in all parts of life. We design our articles to equip our readers with the…

About Us

Established in 2023, One Percent Closer is the perfect place for those obsessed with self-mastery, anyone striving for success in all parts of life, and those with fiery purposes needing help achieving them. So, if you need help to kickstart your journey, you’ve come to the right place!